Tuesday 25 May 2010


Hi All! I hope your all enjoying the beautiful British sunshine of late?
It's so nice to finally grab something summery out of the back of my, somewhat winter dominating wardrobe!

On Sunday I wore this dress to go to a car boot sale in and for a leisurely walk round Dunham Massey (Cheshire, National Trust property/ gardens.)
My dress was just £3 from Retro Rehab in Manchester and is a very 70s original! It was discounted for having a stain on which I managed to remove! It fits me perfectly and is tres comfy so I love it.
I popped on some flip flops, with a diamante black ring from H&M, some vintage sunglasses and some odd black earrings so match the asymmetrical shoulder design, and there you have it. Very "Margo" from the Good Life methinks!

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